SONOSHAPE is the last technology, proved clinically which provides the disruption of cellulite and adipose tissue by ultrasound sound waves. SONOSHAPE speeds blood circulation, removes fat cells and there's no formation of fat cells and cellulite again on applied area.

Steps in use;

- Patient shall lay down on a matress or a special bed.
- Prior to applying SONOSHAPE 5 minutes hand or vibration massage to heat up the body is recommended to the required part of the body
- SONOSHAPE ultrasonic gel shall be applied to the required part of the body.
- SONOSHAPE vibration head shall be applied by making circular motions on the region with a slight pressure
- After finishing 20 min max application to the specified area, a hand or vibration massage again is recommended for 5-10 min. to accelerate the flow of liqufied fat to lymph canals.
- If SONOSHAPE is used with regular sport and diet in medical doctor control, removal of cellulit and excess fat cells will be definitelly much faster.